we can help you grow from within the community

How Would You Use an

Awesome Platform Like This?

this is an example advertisers can use the player to increase sales, and build their business. every Advertiser gets an ad played every 10 minutes.( when the player is full.)   this ad Role, runs at 5 sec each.

Every Advertiser gets an ad played every 10-15 minutes. this is displayed very fast, standard time is 10 seconds. 

Take advantage of a new form of advertising we call

“Line of Sight Advertising.”

We’re bringing digital billboards inside local businesses, and exposing their customers to your Brand.

 We place a TV screen in local “Host” business. Dyna Boards LLC. finds advertisers that are local, and build them 10-second ads to display them to the host’s customers.

Did you know, the Outdoor Advertising Association of America study,  found some surprisingly good results digital signage can produce.

The Nielsen Study is even More impressive.  Check out this amazing study.

 We are leveraging today’s technology to reduce costs and increase your bottom line.


Imagine Your ads being played in high-quality locations in your service area. 

If 1 person per 10 second ad spot, viewed your ad, you will pay a little less than a penny per view, this means you will have your ad seen for far less than any conventional advertising.

Now imagine, how many customers that come through these businesses every day, will see your messaging. People naturally watch TVs, you will get impressions.

If you only had 10 people look up your business on their phones each day, you will increase your sales. But we are promising much more

We are using the same technology you have seen on electronic billboards, and every customer will see your ad in the targeted wait time.

 Did you know those billboards charge a lot per year to advertise? see the example of the LA market?

But instead of 1 commuter being exposed to 1 or 2 ads on the loop, hitting only 10% of the traffic, your ad will be exposed to every customer. Because the loop is short, and the wait time is long every customer has the opportunity to see your ad. And their mind is idle waiting to be impressed with your message. 

Here is an example of the Los Angeles market

This type of advertising is not like other forms, it’s a unique niche. Because of our “need the information now” society, the host’s customers are bored, and we are giving them something to do while waiting for their next action. It’s dead time, stagnant time waiting. We fill that time with something pleasant to do.

You will be marketing exclusively to the community, selling your services in the community.

Dyna Boards can help you to strengthen your relationship with customers, by offering an enhanced platform to present your brand.

I’m sure, by now, you have seen those annoying ads on YouTube, websites, and others from TV broadcasting stations. This is what we are committed to avoiding. We want the experience to be pleasurable for our customers and your business.

We are committed to avoiding ads that shout at people; no flashing yellow words, no noise, no obscene images, just pleasant ads that fit the host business, and align your message with a customer’s frame of mind.

We look forward to many years of enjoyable business together.

Give us a call, or email us today